
Born in 1967, I am deeply rooted in my hometown of Brixen/South Tyrol. With my many years of experience as "Head of Development" at Crystal Design, I have developed complex sales solutions for companies in the furniture industry. During my architecture studies, I focused intensively on the human scale in complex environments. For many years, I have been involved in various initiatives to promote sustainable transformation. Most recently, I have also been active as a candidate for the Green Party, advocating for politics with more participation.

As a technology-minded humanist, I combine interdisciplinary scientific insights with their valuable meaning for people and nature.

Through innovation, we can make the "good life for all" – the logic of a solidarity-based society – understandable and accessible to everyone!

On this portal, I want to create spaces for innovation where we can collectively take the leap towards new perspectives.

Through prototypes, I want to illustrate what a collective path to a better future for everyone could look like. My goal is to make the concept of a "good life for all" – the foundation of a solidarity-based society – understandable and accessible. If you're interested and want to get involved, just sign up!


If you have any questions, ideas, suggestions or enquiries, please feel free to contact me. Just write a few lines telling me what it's about and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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